cooker cake,homemade,recipe,simple,


  1. All purpose  flour
  2. Egg
  3. Sugar
  4. Vanilla essense
  5. Baking powder 
  6. Baking soda
  7. Ghee
  8. Milk

steps of making

  •  Add egg into a mixing machine and beat  well.
  • Then add sugar ,baking powder,baking soda,vanilla essence and ghee into this and beat again.
  • Then add maida,milk into this .then beat once more.(add 2 table spoon sugar caramalise into this mixture.its used to get the brown colour.
  •  Add ghee into the hot cooker and pour the batter into the cooker.please put half of cooker )
  •  After that  close the cooker .it will take 45-60 this time no need to put weight on this.

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