bread pizza,recipe,homemade,easy


  1. Bread 
  2. Garlic paste
  3. Tomato
  4. Onions
  5. Egg
  6. Salt
  7. Pepper powder
  8. Morzella cheese
  9. Olive oil

Steps of making 

  • Roast some eggs in a pan and keep aside.
  • Toast the bread is the first step.For this  hot a pan and put the bread into the pan and  flip them .
  • Spread  tomatos on the top and next add siced onions and the roasted  eggs .sprinkle some salt and pepper powder  on it.
  • Finally spread some grated morzella cheese on the top.
  • Pour some olive oil over the sides of breads.
  • Close the pan for 10 minutes and your bread  pizza  is ready.

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