bread puttu recipe,bread recipe,breakfast
            This is a simple bread puttu recipe.We tried  rice puttu ,rava puttu,ragi puttu  and etc .This is a bread puttu recipe with simple ingredients and simple steps. Dont waste ur breads anymore.make it useful like this puttu recipe .This is a easy breakfast recipe evryone can prepare .Read the  recipe completely and give a try .


  1. Bread slices-3
  2. Water-2tsp
  3. Salt-1 pinch
  4. Grated coconut -2tbsp
  5. Cardamom-2

Steps of making

  • Remove  the bread slices ang grate them in a mixer .
  • Take a bowl and add the grated  bread with salt and sprinkle some water .Mix the whole things by a spoonor by hand .
  • Take a  chiratta puttu maker and add the grated coconut as first layer and add the bread mix as next and so on.
  • Heat one cup of water in a pressure cooker and put cardamom in the water .Close it with a lid and bring it to boil .place the puttu maker by replacing the whistle . Allow to steam till the steams comeout .
  • Serve the hot bread chiratta puttu into a plate and have  with kadala curry .

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